Monday 27 February 2012

Pan-fried Fresh-water Rainbow Trout served with Beans and Pistachio

If you like seafood; it’s almost guaranteed you will love the rainbow trout. It’s widely farmed these days and easily available at the fish mongers and super-markets. 

A few years back I was in Paris and happened to eat in one of the city’s best seafood brassieres. Really quirky, old world charm set-up; the restaurant’s menu was, if I may say, short and simple. No pretensions and frills; all it said was the name of the fish, the cooking method (i.e., baked, grilled, sheared etc) and of course the price. I know what you are thinking… must be a killer? 

Actually, thinking about it 40 Euros (If I remember right... must have been excluding wine and dessert); but then given the quality of food, the ambience and the trip down history's lane (Julia Child was here)… all compensated for the lightness in my pocket. It’s been years now; and today as I was rummaging through my photo albums, I remembered Paris again. So, what do I do? Well put on my overcoat, rush down the lane and get myself some nice, fresh rainbow trout. Yes, that’s what I had at that restaurant! (I had oysters too; but that’s for another day) 

For this recipe I am using:
Rainbow trout fillets                     2
Black pepper, coarsely ground   ¼ tsp
Sea salt                                             ¼ tsp (adjust to taste)
Butter                                                1 knob
French beans, trimmed                a good handful
Pistachios, chopped                      1 tbsp
Vegetable stock                              70 ml
Mix salad leaves (as you like)     a few fistful (rocket, baby spinach+ plum tomatoes)
§        Trim the ends of the beans. Keep the beans about 2 inch long. Blanche the the green beans (3-4 mins; more if you like your veggies on the softer side). Drain them and set aside. Add a teaspoon of butter in a pan and sauté onion and garlic till just about translucent. Tip in the green beans. Mix well to coat beans with the aromatic butter. Add a splash of the vegetable stock and cover. The beans should cook in about 3 minutes. At the end of the cooking time taste for seasoning. Now tip in the chopped pistachios and sauté uncovered for a minute or so or until the liquid evaporates. The beans should be crunchy but not undone.

Rainbow trout: sunny side up!
§        Next up, heat the remaining butter in a flat skillet. Season the fish fillets with sea salt and pepper. Once the butter turns foamy, place the fillets onto the skillet skin side down. It should take about 3 minutes for the skin to crisp up. One trick that I can share here is that, you need to lay your hand off the fish once it touches the pan. Let the fish be… moving round the fillet in the pan during this process will only lead to a soggy skin. Besides, the heat has to be constant at medium. I usually fry skin side down for around 3 minutes; if you like make it 4 minutes… but it’s not entirely necessary. The cooking process doesn’t really stop once you take the fish off the heat. On the contrary, over cooking fish leaves it's flesh all  rubbery. To keep the flesh side extra mosit while the skin is crisping up; I drizzle a little olive oil on the top.

§        Flip the fish carefully and cook the other side for another minute or so. Take the pan off the heat and transfer the fish to a plate. Cover to keep the fillets warm.
§        This dish needs to be savoured as soon as the fish is done. Quickly dish up. Make a mound of the green beans, place a rainbow fillet on the top of the mound and drizzle it with the residual butter from the skillet. Top it off with salad leaves.

The dish looks good and tastes even better (more so because you know it’s very healthy). [My photography skills doesn't do any justice to the real splash of colour on the plate :( ] I served it with sides of garlic bread… Yummy!!

Hope you try this recipe out.  Rainbow trout is quite a firm fish and takes flavours well; however, being a fish lover, I like to keep the seasoning to bare minimum. Besides, the sautéed bean with the pistachios gives a real crunch to this dish. The salad with the plum tomatoes adds a bit of zing.

Dishing it up..... 

Sautéed green beans with pistachios

Fishy Top-up!
Pan-fried rainbow trout served with green beans and pistachios

Bon appetite!
………….The Maverick Cook J

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